Smack those taste buds

Perhaps I’m showing my age, here but let’s get a bit nostalgic for a moment. Remember the good old days of Woolworths and that epic pick and mix wall, full of sugary, tempting sweets. In more current times, the cinema picked up the slack, paying extortionate amounts for a handful of sweets. Nonetheless, you wouldn’t dare sit down without a bag full of those delicious treats as 3….2….1…booms over Dolby surround for the latest blockbuster movie.

Of course, sometimes you really just want one type, you’d prefer to dig your scoop in the bucket and bundle in what you know well, some delicious UK fudge perhaps. However, sometimes that same-same approach just won’t cut it. Your taste buds don’t crave it anymore, they don’t get that return they once did. That batch of fudge doesn’t taste as creamy and sweet as before. The dangers of going all in become apparent as you realise it’s not giving you all that you want.

Instead, what if you scooped up a real mix – throw in some laces, chocolate mice, bananas, fizzy bottles, chocolate raisins, chewy teddy bears and so on. A real pick and mix, full of variety, different tastes, and textures from all over the world of sweets. Sure you might get a few in there at times, that don’t quite hit the spot, but when that happens, you’ll have plenty of others that will, that’ll smack those taste buds with the tantalising sweet returns you crave.

You see when it comes to investing, it’s that worldwide pick and mix approach that can help capture those tongue twisting returns. This can potentially offset the bitterness, the sourness of some at times with the sweet returns of others.

What if I told you American candy makes up around 54% of the global market of pick and mix. Would you still go all in with that UK fudge (which makes up around 5% of the global bag), knowing there’s so much more out there to tease those taste buds. Not to even mention the rest of those sweet worldwide treats out there. If it’s just UK fudge, what else are your taste buds missing out on?

To capture those returns, think and invest globally. Give yourself a bag of sweets you can really enjoy, regardless of what’s flavour of the month.

Too much fudge in your pick and mix? Scoop up our knowledge and wisdom at for a bag full of treats you can enjoy.

Keith Boyes

Managing Director


Guidance only. Investing in the stock market does carry a degree of risk and returns are not guaranteed. Be aware and understand the risks involved before participating. If in doubt, please seek professional advice.

Source: The data referenced in this post has been taken from research conducted by - master slide library. Data available on request.