Turn down the noise

Turn on the radio. Pop the TV on. Reach for your phone and scroll through social media. What predictions of stock market meltdowns, world-ending events or hot tips are they all talking about now?




Wow, what a lot of noise. Wouldn’t it be so easy to let all this hysteria impact your decision making?

You see, the media do a wonderful job. They sell news, gossip, and anything else that might peak your interest. That’s the interesting point – the drive of the journalist is to report; entertain; spin; and to generate a sense of fear; greed or excitement. None of it is necessarily rational, it’s just their way of selling news stories (or otherwise aptly known as ‘Negative Events World Service’ (thanks Andy Hart))

Where in all that is the focus about educating you and looking after your best interests? Would you bet your life savings on a stock prediction from a journalist? Would you make panicked decisions with your money when they say the end is near? I’d confidently predict you’ll be in your own little financial crash if you start, stop, break, swerve and turn with each and every report of impending doom.

So, what’s the point - Shall we shut ourselves off from the world, don’t take anyone’s word for anything? Of course not. Be aware of all the noise around you, just don’t let it dictate your journey.

This is the benefit of working with a financial adviser, drowning out the noise and keeping you focused on what’s important to you. Sure - Brexit, trade wars and talks of recession are all we see right now, but time will move on and the great societal advance will continue regardless. It’s not these moments that determine your ultimate destination, it’s your behaviour during these uncertain times that have the greatest impact.

Be the one that stands firm and looks onward to the horizon by drowning out the noise. Focus on what you want from life and don’t let all this short-term hype and hysteria distract you.  

For more money wisdom contact team@spentwell.co.uk and let’s get working towards your financial happiness.

KEITH BOYESspentwell, Advice